Projects: |
Fred Taub - Author of Boycotting Peace, (Just
Release) - Columnist, Lecturer & Radio Host - Boycott Expert &
Consultant - Recognized by the Wall Street Journal - Mentioned before
the US Supreme Court twice - Consumer Advocate - Boycott Prevention
& Crisis Management Contact Fred Taub |
Why I joined the Herut
slate for the upcoming World Zionist Congress elections
By Fred
A number of months ago, I was asked to organize a meeting to help
promote one of the many slates in the upcoming World Zionist Congress (WZC)
elections. I blindly agreed because my thought was, as long as our side gets
lots of votes, that's all that counts regardless of the party. After all, it's
a right vs. left thing and the results really don't affect me. A few weeks
later, I got a call asking me to be on the Herut slate. That changed
I have been an activist since I was in grade school where I
was erroneously called a "Militant Zionist" on the CBS Evening News as I was
singing Oseh Shalom. I was threatened and harassed by the police when I
organized the protests at the home of Nazi John "Ivan the Terrible" Demjanjuk.
I saved the lives of kids at Jewish retreats and have been on the boards of
more non-profits than I can remember. The list goes on but I won't bore you
with the details.
So, when I got the call from an old friend in Herut,
it made me think - does the slate really matter? Then I realized it does
matter. The early Zionist leaders were not people who sat at desks earning six
or seven figure salaries, adjusted for today's earnings. They were people who
put their hearts and souls into the Zionist movement, tirelessly working every
day for little money in return and usually spending every penny that had in the
process. That's the origin of every great movement.
That's how I work. I
put all my energy into projects, including how I was the person who stated the
entire anti-BDS movement when it was just Divestment. My website
www.DivestmentWatch.com is still up and active. That was an offshoot of my
first anti-boycott website, www.BoycottWatch.com which is also still up, and
addresses boycotts beyond the Arab boycott of Israel. Importantly, the Arab
boycott of Israel started long before the nation of Israel was formed. In fact,
the Nazis got the idea of boycotting the Jews from the Arabs who created the
predecessor to the Arab League, an organization formed specifically to prevent
Israel from being formed by boycotting Jews globally. I also wrote the first
book about the BDS movement called Boycotting Peace, www.BoycottingPeace.com,
which garnered high praise from Ambassador / Defense Minister / former Deputy
Prime Minister / Professor of Aeronautics, my friend Misha (z"l) who you may
know better as Moshe Arens.
When it comes to fighting for Israel, I have
always been on the front lines, fighting with the best of the best, and I am
proud of it. I make that clear on my radio show, Jewish Community Radio on 88.7
FM, WJCU Cleveland, Ohio.
So, I thought, why should I support a slate of
people who sit at their desks raising millions of dollars to pay salaries also
in the million dollar range? I am a true Zionist, someone who fights for Israel
and not for the big bucks. The same applies to the people in Herut - the
Jabotinsky Movement slate for the WZC elections. I grew up in Betar, the proud
Zionist movement of Ze'ev Jabotinsky. I stand tall and I am unapologetic about
Jews, Zionism and Israel. That's the Herut movement and that's why I am on the
Herut slate.
So now it's your turn. Voting runs now to March 11, 2020.
Please register for the WZC elections (administered in the U.S. by the American
Zionist Movement) at
https://www.ZionistElections.org and vote
for Herut, slate #10 - the slate of unapologetic Zionists who are unafraid.
Thank you, Fred Taub |
New book by Fred Taub |
Fred Taub speaks about his book: |
Arab boycott of Israel is the single biggest impediment to peace in the Middle
East because you cannot have peace with someone who will not sit down with you
for a cup of coffee. The Arab boycott became
official policy with the creation of the Arab League in 1921, twenty-seven
years before Israel was established, to starve out the Jews before Israel could
be created. That's the same Arab League which declaring war on Israel and meets
regularly to reaffirm their boycott. It does not end there. While Syria
re-patents copies of Israeli products for the Arab world and the PA/PLO
expanded their boycott to Malaysia while claiming to negotiate for peace with
Israel in good faith, a consultant to the PA/PLO secretly created and drove the
Goldstone Commission. On campuses, DBS is being
pushed to create a new generation which believes boycotting Israel is moral and
just. De-legitimization, unfortunately, is not the final goal, it is
dismantlement. The Arab plan is to have average Americans to do their bidding
to bankrupt Israel so they can then say Israel is a failed state which needs to
be dismantled rather than bailed out. My book, Boycotting Peace, proves it.
Fred Taub, President of Boycott Watch, was on Your World with
Neil Cavuto on Fox News twice speaking about the Natallee Holloway inspired
boycott of Aruba. See the report and video
Fred Taub is a nationally recognized expert on boycotts
and their effects, including consumer reactions to boycott calls and what makes
consumers so upset that they not only refuse to do business with you and your
company, but will work to get others to join them in order to boycott your
business. Boycotts can cost your company hundreds,
thousands and even millions of dollars before you realize what is happening.
Fred Taub works with businesses to help them prevent boycotts from happening in
the first place and how to best respond to a boycott against your business.
Fred Taub and Boycott Watch:
- Mentioned in two Briefings to the US Supreme
- Testimony Before the CT State
- Quoted in the Wall Street Journal, Christian
Science Monitor and Numerous Other Publications
- Regularly Appears on Television News and
Radio News Programs as an Expert on Boycotts
- Lectures about Boycott Prevention and Proper
- Confidentially Consults with Businesses about
how to avoid boycotts and what to do when faced with one.
Fred Taub
says: |
"When faced with a boycott,
corporate executives want to do one thing, the lawyers another, and then the PR
people step in and claim to be experts in boycotts but they haven't a clue. The
fact is that you need an expert in boycotts who knows how consumers react to
boycotts, what makes a boycott successful, and how to respond so a boycott does
not damage your company. That's where I come in - my specialized experience and
expertise is unmatched. When you need an expert in boycotts, call me. More
importantly, call me before you have a problem so you know what not to do, thus
preventing boycotts in the first place. |
2007, 2009 Fred Taub |